The Great Soda Debate: Regular or Diet - is one really healthier than the other?
The Great Soda Debate: Regular or Diet - is one really healthier than the other? You don’t have to be a health nut to know that soda...
Everything You Need to Know About Omega-3 Fats
Everything You Need to Know About Omega-3 Fats There’s a lot of talk about healthy fats these days. People are including more fat in...
Red Wine - Is it really good for you, or just health hype?
Red Wine - Is it really good for you, or just health hype? If you’ve heard that red wine is one of the healthiest of all alcoholic...
What’s the Deal With Acne? Why Do I Still Have Zits?!
What’s the Deal With Acne? Why Do I Still Have Zits?! Whether you call them pimples, blemishes, or zits, ACNE is a common skin condition...