Heartburn - Can I Help it with Foods and Lifestyle?
Heartburn - Can I Help it with Foods and Lifestyle? The odds are that you or someone you know experiences heartburn. Around half of North...
The Real Deal About Artificial Flavors
The Real Deal About Artificial Flavours Let me ask you this: Have you looked at the ingredients on a food label lately? How about a...
What is the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load?
What is the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load? Glycemic this and glycemic that. Does it matter? You'll notice that they both begin with...
The Stress Mess: How It Messes With Your Health
The Stress Mess: How It Messes With Your Health We all have some level of stress, right? It may be temporary (acute), or long-term...
Reduce Inflammation With These Key Foods
Reduce Inflammation With These Key Foods Inflammation. It’s not just for health headlines. It’s a fact. Scientists are measuring levels...
Phytic Acid, The Mineral Reducer
Phytic Acid, The Mineral Reducer Do you soak or sprout your nuts, seeds, grains and legumes? Is it to help improve their digestibility?...
Paleo Diet 101
Paleo Diet 101 You may have heard of the "paleo" diet. It was the world's most popular diet in 2013. But what is it? Is it a fad? Is it...
How Do I Keep My Blood Sugar Stable?
How Do I Keep My Blood Sugar Stable? Oh, the words "blood sugar." Does it conjure up visions of restrictive eating, diabetes medications,...
How Can I Get Enough Vitamin D?
How Can I Get Enough Vitamin D? When we think of "vitamins," we know they're super-important for health. But vitamin D is special. It's...
Adrenal Fatigue: What Is It?
Stressed? Tired? Craving sugar? Can’t sleep? All of these can be related to the constant stress we feel in our lives. We know that stress...